RJ Nazareno a young photographer, art director , graphic artist and jr. stylist started to get into photography as a hobby during his college days . Back then he started with point and shoot cameras as medium to take photos. Until the year 2008 where he got his own Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera which started his career doing designer shots and model portfolios.
On November 14, 2010 , RJ will be holding an open photoshoot entitled "Exile"
Asked on his inspiration for the conceptualization of the photoshoot theme RJ answered " Well basically i thought of a dark themed shoot (which is my forte) , im very in to the supernatural . For this shoot i wanted to shoot my interpretation of LIMBO , somewhere between heaven or hell thus the 2 columns."

"Exile" Open Photo Shoot Teaser Video

DISCLAIMER: Please respect the creative work of this photographer. Duplicating or recycling these photos in any shape or form for your own use (without permission) or without due credit to the artist is prohibited and "shameful."

You can see more of Rj's work in his official online portfolio by clicking on the photo link below