Hey everyone ! LJ here . If youre following my videos you would have known by know that i like wearing masks. Ive tried almost every type of mask that has landed in the market right now . Why do i use them ?
because its one of the quickest and most hassle free skin care products that you could use to uplift, regenerate and refresh your skin . This is just gona be a quick review ;The Product: Missha Fresh Acerola Sheet Mask
What i like about sheet mask is the ease of application . They usually come in packets like the one you see above . Its a great way to enliven yourself after a tiring day, pamper and cool down your face with a sheet mask. Think of it like coffee for yuur skin . I usually wear sheet masks at least 3 times a week but if icould do it daily i would .
What is Acerola ?
The first time i saw this product the first thing that popped in my mind was "what is acerola" . For those who knows of the the fruit pardon my lack of knowledge , i live in the tropics where this kind of fruit does not grow . haha I didnt even know it existed but what i know is when i saw the package i said cherry mask!
Acerola (Malpighia glabra or emarginata) from theMalpighiaceae family is also known as Barbados cherry.
The fruit of Acerola shrub is medicinally valuable due to the large amount of vitamin C.
Packaging: Easy to use tear off pack . Has the photo of the acerola fruuit as display
Scent: This was a new scent for me because i havent seen or smelle an acerola fruit before but i would describe the scent to be similar to red wine .
Similar to other sheet masks the consistency of the product itself is wet . It might a little bit awkward for first time sheet mask users to have something wet on their face but as for personal experience i like using them because the moist feeling of the mask refreshes and cools down my skin . I know the instruction say 30 minutes of application but what i like to do is to sleep on it.
Generally the sheet mask was not sticky (some sheet masks leaves a sticky residue) it was really easy to unfold which i like , some sheet masks ive used troubled me with unfolding so thats one of my criterias for good packaging . The smell felt a little awkward for me since like i said i never encountered the acerola fruit in real life so for me it felt like i had red wine on my face although is it quite faint .
Results :
Well it did it worked it did definitely removed/relieved the stress off my face , and no i didnt woke up drunk haha . I guess the acerola fruit does really do wonders it might be because its filled with vitamin C. One of thebest thing i noticed is my skin felt really firm the morning after firm not taut . Which i really liked. Overall i think this product does its work well and live its claims. Another quality product from Missha