
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pure Beauty Jasmin Water BB Cream

   The BB cream masket has been growing for the past couple of months Not juts in Korean and Japan but it has spread through out Southeartern Asian countries and slowly through Europe and the United states .
 For this issue ill be reviewing a BB Cream That easy to the pocket . 

Monday, September 20, 2010


   If you remember a while back I did a post about BB Creams.  I did a review about Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream . Since the first time i heard about this product i never stopped using them and i became really addicted to it . 

  I first heard about the BB creams a year back when 2ne1 Ullzang Noona Sandara Park was asked about her skin care routine and she attributed it with the use of BB creams . SO since then i started scourging various shops on getting one the one problem that i encountered though was at that time the products was not yet avaiable in the country . So iresorted to the next best thing ordering them online . But thats not the case now, since the BB cream has started to get a lot of popularity and has been starting to grace the counters of our leading shops in the country

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Protect your skin! : Skin Effects by Dr. Jeffrey Dover

Sun Exposure is the number one cause of skin aging and skin cancer. Aside from acne one of the major skin problems people are battling is skin darkening and skin aging. From my recent posts,I told you that i love anything that  has SPF on it meaning you get more protection not only from skin darkening but also from the aging effects of the suns UV rays.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Skin Care Products Haul

Hello hello Readers Its been awhile since my last products review. It took a while so this time im doing a Skin Care Products Haul: For this post ill be reviewing 8 skin care products. Yes you heard me right!! Not 1 but 8 skin care products (anti-aging, body scrubs, facial cleanser,sheet masks, sunscreen and bb creams). Look out for my updates for the next following days of this week .

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tony and Jackey korean Haircutters . . .Where Style is Created

Hello everyone, or should i say anyeong haseyo (안녕하세요, what does that mean?)

Anyeong haseo is the korean way of greeting , which represents the english hi or hello . A usual reply to these greetings, may be a repetition of the above phrase preceded by ne(예), which means "yes." Ne, annyong haseyo (안녕하세요) So why are we speaking korean? To jump start my Blog of favorite things i guess it would just be right to talk about my Favorite haircutters. Tony and Jackey Salon

Click to go to Tony and Jackeys Official Site

(DISCLAIMER : This is not a paid advertisement nor am i connected or affiliated with Tony and Jacky Salon)

Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream

Im pretty sure that if you're not into skin care, you would have no idea what a BB cream is. And even some of those who are into skin care still haven't heard of what a BB Cream is . I have heard of BB creams over a year ago from reading and watching korean blogs and tv shows and i was really curious what the hype was all about . Many korean actors and actresses attributed their beautiful skin to the use of BB creams which sparked my curiosity even more since i love everything that has the phrases "skin care" on it.

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